California Area School District
Nonprofit Overview
California Area School District takes pride in the close-knit community and our ability to maintain our relationships in the classrooms. From the school bus to the classroom to the football field, staff take pride in knowing students beyond academics. The community works diligently to support school district efforts through active participation, volunteering, and fundraising efforts. California Area School District is designated a rural community. The municipalities served by the district include; Allenport, California, Coal Center, Elco, Long Branch, Roscoe, West Brownsville Annex, and West Pike Run Township. We realize that it takes a village to raise a child and our school district community embraces that responsibility.

Current Needs
California Area School District is dedicated toward changing the narrative on the school experience. Our greatest need is to develop project-based, real-world experiential learning opportunities for our students. We seek support with learning experiences, such as local field trips with businesses and communities, and fiscal support for real-world educational tools. If you would like to support this project, please reach out to Laura Jacob, Superintendent, at