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McGuffey School District

Nonprofit Overview

The McGuffey School District is classified as a rural district that encompasses 208 square miles and provides education to students from 9 communities, including the borough of Claysville and the townships of West Finley, East Finley, Morris, Donegal, Buffalo, Blaine, and South Franklin.

District Vision:

We will ensure all students reach their greatest potential.

District Mission:

Better today than yesterday, McGuffey will T.E.A.C.H. (Together, Excellence, Achievement, Community, Hope)

Highlander Wrap 1

Current Needs

McGuffey has two priority areas focused on providing STEM to students K-12:

1. Career Pathways and Experiential Learning: Wish to continue to develop connections with industries and local businesses to offer students opportunities for internships, apprenticeships, and career exploration in STEM fields.

2. Infrastructure and Technology: Upgrade and create Maker Spaces in all buildings requires adequate technology infrastructure to support STEM education. This includes updated hardware and software, interactive whiteboards, computer labs, and other digital resources.

Learn more about the McGuffey School District

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